Medium Duty Truck With Crane Attachment

Truck Mounted Equipment

Your work truck setup will be the difference in doing a job and calling for backup. We offer products including hanging steps, cranes, bucket lifts, generators, and more. Rely on our Truck Team’s expertise to customize your work truck setup so you can maximize your time out on the job.

Bucket Lift on the top of a Service Truck for TelecommunicationsAttached Vice on the back of a Work TruckCrane Winch on heavy duty service truckGenerator attachment on top of service truck

Product Options

Bucket Lift on the top of a Service Truck for Telecommunications

Bucket Lift

Reach new heighte when you add a Bucket Lift to your cab and chasis.
Crane Winch on heavy duty service truck

Crane winch

Mechanic bodies are often designed to accommodate a crane and winch to move heavy equipment.
Attached Vice on the back of a Work Truck

Attached vice

Attaching a vice and other tools to your work truck in convenient areas can improve productivity.
hanging steps on a pickup truck for easy access

Hanging steps

Durable, safer access to equipment.
utility crane medduty


Upfitting with cranes allows you to add more utility to your truck without having to bring additional vehicles to your work site.
utility accessories such as tool boxes and generator on the back of a service truck

Air Compressors, Generators, & Welders

Secure your tools onto any service body. Ask our Truck Team which is best for your delivery and service requirements.

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