Success Stories>Dring Air Conditioning & Heating

An ultra-efficient HVAC fleet: Leasing upfitted vehicles quickly & painlessly

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Dallas, Texas

Fleet Size

20 Vehicles
  • Grow business as quickly as possible with reliable vehicles.
  • Have the opportunity to lease reliable vehicles on short notice.
  • Ensure all new vehicles are properly upfitted.
  • Avoid major breakdowns to keep cash flow consistent.
  • Have a plan for cycling out vehicles at the appropriate time.

By partnering with Mike Albert, Dring achieved their goals and started serving their customers with a fleet of high quality, upfitted vehicles while maximizing cashflow.

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“I call Mike Albert and say ‘I need a vehicle and I need it yesterday.’ They’re calm and get it done. The whole team is really good at jumping into action.” Dennis Chaisson, Owner, Dring Heating and Air Conditioning

Trusted By

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One partner. 15+ capabilities to maximize your fleet.

Helping you acquire and strategically fund the right vehicles for your organization is just the beginning. Our team of fleet experts handle everything from maintenance to telematics to toll management, and customizes it to meet your business priorities so you can focus on your core responsibilities.